Generate insightful reports for immediate action with ease.
It can be exciting to get all your results from a Survey Cycle that you have run, but even more exciting is being able to share these results. To be able to communicate the data as quickly as possible, we offer several ways for you to identify the most important trends in your survey results. After all, communication is the first step for insights to turn into action.
On our platform, you have 2 distinct ways of being able to download your results:

Download your file as an Excel spreadsheet. This option is for flexibility in being able to report your results in a widely available format. You have options to download the Excel file for just the Current Cycle, or all previously run Cycles as well.
Download your file as a PDF Report. The PDF report you download is ready for presentation to others, as it presents all the key elements of the Manager's Dashboard. This includes not just your Scores or Participation Rates but also highlighted Strengths and Opportunities to work on.
For any questions, send an email to our responsive support team at We're here to assist you every step of the way!