Action Planner

Learn how to create a personal action plan based off the results from your Grow report.

What now? A question you might have after you receive your individual Grow report.

You can create your own Action Plan for personal development based on the results from your 360 Review.

Under each action plan, you may select a competency you wish to work on and set a viable target date for yourself.

There are two guiding questions within each action plan:

  1. Why is developing this area important to me? - Every action plan should include a call to action and the drive behind it.

  2. What will success look like to me? - Individuals should envision the changes and improvements they will have in their development after completing their action plan.

You can also add specific action tasks you wish to take to achieve your action plan by clicking on “Add Action Task” under the What actions will I take? segment.

You may also set a due date for each action task created by checking the Set deadline, which will trigger a reminder to your inbox 3 days before the stipulated date.

For any questions, send an email to our responsive support team at We're here to assist you every step of the way!