ACT (Action Suggestions for Managers)

How EngageRocket can help you empower managers to take Action

  1. Action Suggestions 

    Equip leaders with personalised Action Suggestions and Conversation Points based on People Science

  2. Action Center

    Adaptive Learning Repository and relevant resources for post-survey action-taking for all managers
  3. Action Planner & Tracker
    Access Library of best practice Action Plans based on EngageRocket's scientifically validated drivers with real-time tracking of actions

In the dynamic world of management, staying on top of your team's activities and progress is crucial. This is where your 'Actions' dashboard comes into play, offering a comprehensive view of management activities and progress. Let’s explore how to effectively navigate and utilize this tool for optimal team management.

Step 1: Accessing the 'Actions' Navigation Bar

Your journey begins with the ‘Actions’ tab located on the navigation bar. This is your central hub for tracking and managing team activities. Familiarizing yourself with this tab is the first step towards streamlined management.

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Step 2: Understanding the Actions Overview

Once in the ‘Actions’ tab, you are presented with a detailed overview, broken down into two main components:

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  1. Action Overview (Collective Action Insights)
    Here, you'll find a percentage representation of all actions undertaken by the managers. This gives you a quick, aggregated view of how active and engaged your management team is.
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  2. Actions per Manager (Diving Deeper: Individual Manager Details)
    1. Overall Score per Manager: If you have a list of managers who report directly to you, you can click on 'Select Manager.' This feature provides a snapshot of each manager's performance.
    2. Action Deadlines: Keep track of deadlines set for all actions, ensuring timely completion.
    3. Action Completion Progress:
      1. Direct Team: Assess the progress made by employees who report directly to each manager.
      2. Roll-up Team: Get insights on the progress made by everyone under each manager's reporting line.

Step 3: Focused Actions for Managers 

For managers who don't oversee other managers, the focus shifts slightly:

  • Tracking Completed Actions: View the progress of actions completed by both the direct and roll-up teams.
  • Understanding Due Dates: Keep a close eye on the due dates for each action task.
  • Key Focus Areas:
    • Top Driver to Improve: Identify areas needing improvement.
    • Top Driver to Celebrate: Recognize and celebrate successes.

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Enhancing Action Plans
  • Automated Action Plans: EngageRocket question templates automatically add action plans, which you can edit or delete.
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  • Customizing Plans: Managers have the option to add action plans for their teams, guided by confidential thresholds and recommendations from the Action Centre page.
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Completing and Monitoring Actions

  • Marking Actions as Completed: Implement your plans and mark them as completed with a simple click. (Note: The button to complete actions is only available for Managers, not for Company Admins.)
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  • Organizing Completed Actions: Completed tasks automatically move to a designated 'Completed Actions' section.
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  • Progress Updates: Witness your progress bar update in real-time, reflecting the fruits of your efforts.

The 'Actions' dashboard is more than just a tool; it's a roadmap to effective management. By understanding how to navigate and utilize it, you can enhance team performance, streamline management processes, and lead with greater efficiency and insight. Regular updates and attentive use of this dashboard will keep your team on the path to success, marking your leadership with proactive and informed decision-making.

For any questions, send an email to our responsive support team at We're here to assist you every step of the way!